Thanks to those of you who attended the Registration night.  Those of you that still have to pay, please can you bring your fees and completed forms down on Tuesday or Friday night this week and see Elizabeth.

As we have had a large number of older swimmers move on this year, we are keen to increase numbers again.  If you know anyone who may be interested in joining the club, perhaps your children’s friends, please do pass on my details or ask them to contact us through the website.

Throughout the year, please do remember to check the website on a regular basis as important notices and gala information are regularly posted there.

Can I suggest that, this year, we keep the Facebook site for news, announcements, questions or messages that affect the majority of the members?  

If you wish to communicate to your squad coach, please use the following email addresses:

Bronze Development –

Copper –

Bronze –

Silver –

Silver Elite, Gold –

Please do use these addresses and keep in touch.  We are always happy to answer your questions and it is extremely useful to know that swimmers are not attending, especially for a prolonged period of time.

Finally, don’t forget the prize giving on Saturday.  This is the best night of the year – a great chance for swimmers and parents to socialise and meet new people!  Tickets on sale on Tuesday and Friday.  £2.50 price includes free entry into the raffle.

Here’s to another great season!

Welcome back!