You Should
  • Play your part in helping to develop an ethos where all people matter and are treated equally, and with respect and dignity
  • Always put the care, welfare and safety needs of a child first
  • Respect a child’s right to be involved in making choices and decisions which directly affect them
  • Listen attentively to any ideas and views a child wants to share with you
  • Respect a child’s culture (e.g. their faith and religious beliefs)
  • Respect a child’s right to privacy and personal space
  • Respond sensitively to children who seem anxious about participating in certain activities
  • Speak to a member of staff immediately if you suspect that a child is experiencing bullying or harassment
  • Be aware of the vulnerability of some groups of children to being isolated and hurt
  • Ensure that when you are working with children you are at least within sight or hearing of other adults
  • Listen carefully to any child who tells you (sometimes through drawings and behaviour as well as words) that they are being harmed and report what you have discovered immediately to your line manager
  • Report immediately any suspicion that a child could be at risk of harm or abuse
  • Never dismiss what a child tells you as “lies” or exaggeration
  • Only restrain a child who is at imminent risk of inflicting harm to themselves or others or is at risk of damaging property
  • Never underestimate the contribution that you can make to the development of safe communities for children
You Should Not
  • Exaggerate or trivialise another worker’s concerns about a child or ignore an allegation or suspicion of abuse in the hope that it will either go away or that someone else will deal with it
  • Discuss personal issues about a child or their family with other people except with your line manager when you are concerned about the child’s well-being
  • Be drawn into any derogatory remarks or gestures in front of children or young persons
  • Allow a child, young person or adult to be bullied or harmed by anyone in the organisation
  • Allow children to swear or use sexualised language unchallenged
You Must Never
  • Engage in sexually provocative games, including horseplay
  • Never allow others to (or engage yourself) in touching a child in a sexually provocative manner
  • Never make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun
  • Engage in rough or physical contact unless it is permitted within the rules of a game or sports activity or conforms to the guidance on appropriate physical restraint
  • Never form inappropriate emotional or physical relationships with children
  • Harass or intimidate a child or worker because of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, socio-economic class or disability
  • Never invite or allow children to stay with you at your home